PEAK Distinction Model

Empowering Schools To Shape The Future of Education Today!

The Titanic (that is modern education) is sinking…


The pace of change has clearly increased to a point where it is now apparent that schools will soon be taken over by the education industrial complex. Software companies and education publishers, which do a combined 28 billion dollars of revenue annually, are leveraging artificial intelligence embedded in their software to provide enhanced learning opportunities, which, while powerful, are poised to de-professionalize educators and re-emphasize a “shallow” learning model.

Our schools must prepare students for 2050, not 1950.

Communities will be left behind,
yours doesn't need to be.

What Is PEAK?

The PEAK model ensures students develop Purpose, focus on Essential skills and mindsets, experience Agency, and foster deep retained Knowledge because we believe the future of education lies in students developing three sets of PEAK Human Traits traits:

+ Resilience

Belonging +

Creativity +
Critical Thinking

PEAK prepares students for their future.
What decade is your school preparing kids for?

Earn A Distinction For Your School/District

Through membership in the WSCB PEAK School Distinction program you engage in a continuous improvement process that provides small steps towards big change!

  1. REFLECT AND ASSESS - We work with you through the change process which begins with your community reflecting on and assessing your strengths and challenges according to seven areas of focus in our diagnostic tool.

  2. MOBILIZE TO REIMAGINE - We help you mobilize your people and reimagine your future by reviewing the data with you to plan your areas of focus.

  3. TAKE ACTION - Your leaders lead your people in the take action phase where your teachers “learn & do” by accessing our learning opportunities including workshops, micro-credentials, design sprints, personalized coaching and more ALL of which honor their skill sets and experience, are directly connected to their work with students and are tailored to your reimagine plan.

  4. CELEBRATE - We help you tell the story of your successful change process and your level of PEAK Distinction.

Not sure where to start?

Book a 30 minute consultation and let’s discuss!

Looking to connect with other educators?
Attend free workshops & seminars?

Join the What School Could Be Community!

The What School Could Be community offers a SAFE and SECURE space to connect with fellow educators, share successes and challenges, and get ongoing guidance through weekly interactive sessions!