WSCB Chronicle

Writings + Musings on Education from What School Could Be + Thought Leaders from Around The World


Does It Take a Village? Rethinking Community-Centric Education to Elevate Student Learning

by: Charity Marcella Moran, Ed.S.

In an age dominated by standardized tests, the transformative power of community involvement in education is often overlooked. The African proverb, 'It takes a village to raise a child,' reminds us that education thrives as a collective endeavor. But what does it mean to truly embrace this village mindset in education?

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The WSCB Chronicle is always looking for new articles by educators who are putting kids first and transforming their practice! We are looking for real classroom stories, good theory in practice, and any topics that might help other educators to grow, particularly those connected to the WSCB Innovation Playlist. 

If you would like to submit an article of 1,500 words or less for consideration, please send it to Jennifer D. Klein at