Most Likely To Succeed
Bring together your school community to watch the acclaimed documentary Most Likely to Succeed, or watch it on your own. It’s available FREE for a limited time at THIS LINK. The film was an official selection of more than two-dozen prestigious film festivals, including Sundance, Tribeca, AFI, and SxSW edu. It’s been screened by thousands of communities, in some 35 different countries. Once you watch it, there’s no turning back!
What practices did you see that might be valuable to your school?
On a scale of 1 to 10 (where 1 is a very conventional instruction-driven school and 10 is highly progressive along the lines of High Tech High), how would you rate your school?
Do you believe it’s possible for your school to surpass what you saw at HTH? [Note: you can!!]
What is your school’s culture when it comes to change? What are recent changes that stuck? Does someone with an innovative idea feel supported, or frustrated? How could you better encourage innovation?
Do you believe your school is preparing students for life, or for the stuff of school (e.g., standardized tests, college applications, next year’s courses)? Are those goals aligned or in conflict?
Check out the MLTS Discussion Guide
Check out Ted’s books What School Could Be and Most Likely To Succeed (with co-author Tony Wagner).