Community Circles
Use Community Circles to build community, empathy and communication skills among your students. Regular participation in Community Circles creates a positive classroom culture, making it easier to work through issues as they arise. In normal times, this is a powerful practice; during these stressful times, it’s essential, even if it’s done virtually.
How did your students respond to the Community Circle? At first? Over time?
How do you think this work will impact the community, with regular practice?
How can Community Circles be used as a Restorative Practice in your classroom or school?
How can you draw on more specialized professional expertise if/when complex challenges arise? Is the fear of such challenges holding you back from the open sharing of issues?
Check out the resources below to find out more about the benefits of Community Circles:
What are Restorative Practices (2 minute video)
Defining Restorative Circles from the International Institute for Restorative Practices
Video on Restorative Practices from the student perspective
Edutopia: Building Community with Restorative Circles
Teaching Tolerance: Talking Circles: For Restorative Justice and Beyond